2025 GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN Awards 2025年設計大獎賽
GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN Awards 是一項國際性比賽,旨在表彰設計領域中的卓越成就。它涵蓋了多個設計領域,包括建築、室內設計、景觀設計、產品設計、品牌與傳播設計、藝術與攝影等,並為優秀的設計師和企業提供國際知名度與專業認可。此活動已開放給全球的專業人士、學生、開發者、企業家及製造商參加,並為參賽者提供大量的宣傳機會。
Event Introduction:
The GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN Awards is an international competition that recognizes excellence in various design disciplines, including architecture, interior design, landscape design, product design, communication & branding, art & photography. It offers global recognition and promotional opportunities for creative professionals and firms. The competition is open to professionals, students, developers, entrepreneurs, and manufacturers from all over the world.
Event Theme:
The theme of the event is Design Excellence, with a focus on creativity, functionality, technological innovation, and social & environmental responsibility. Each submission will be evaluated based on these criteria and categorized accordingly.
The competition is open to professionals, students, developers, entrepreneurs, and manufacturers worldwide. There are no specific identity restrictions, and any eligible individual or firm can participate. Note that only projects already entered into a standard category are eligible for special awards.
- 報名時間:
- 折扣報名: 2024年10月1日至2024年11月15日
- 常規報名: 2024年11月16日至2025年1月31日
- 最終報名: 2025年2月1日至2025年4月1日
Event Timeline:
- Registration Period:
- Discounted Registration: October 1 to November 15, 2024
- Regular Registration: November 16, 2024 to January 31, 2025
- Final Registration: February 1 to April 1, 2025
Registration Method:
Participants can register online through the official competition portal. During registration, entrants must select their design discipline and category, and make a payment. Registrations made during the discounted period benefit from lower fees.
Judging Criteria:
The evaluation process is carried out by an international jury composed of leading professionals from the design, architecture, and academic fields. The evaluation is fair and impartial, with projects randomly assigned to jury members for review.
- 美學
- 形式與功能
- 知識與技術
- 創意與創新
- 技術應用
- 社會與環境責任
- 情感與細節
Scoring Criteria:
Each submission is scored on the following criteria (1-100 points):
- Aesthetics
- Form & Function
- Expertise & Know-how
- Creativity & Innovation
- Technology
- Social & Environmental Responsibility
- Emotion & Fun Details
- 金獎、銀獎、銅獎證書
- 鉑金獎:每個子類別中,最高得分的項目將獲得鉑金獎。
- 年度大獎:每個設計領域將選出一個“年度獎”。
- 國際大獎:綜合所有領域與類別,選出最頂尖的50個項目。
- 魁北克大獎:專門為魁北克地區的優秀設計設立。
Awards & Prizes:
- Gold, Silver, and Bronze Certificates
- Platinum Award: Awarded to the highest-scoring project in each subcategory.
- Awards of the Year: One winner is chosen per design discipline.
- Grand Prix International: Top 50 projects across all disciplines receive this award.
- Grand Prix Québec: Awarded to the top 50 projects from Québec.
- 主辦單位: AGENCE PID
- 承辦單位: La Médiathèque du Design
Related Organizations:
- Organizer: AGENCE PID
- Co-organizer: La Médiathèque du Design